Afternoon Lunch Meal
This is the menu of Chez Simranjit, lunch hours, from 12 pm to 5:59m
Welcome to Chez Simranjit!!!!!!
- Pasta..............$100
- Keptchup.............$300
- Musturd.....$110
- Ketchup...........$1000
- Curly Fries........... $152
- Potato Fries..........$1152
- Can O'POP......$300
- Ceaser Salid..............$163
- Vegitarian noodles....$1003
- Chicken Noodles............$2000
- Cheese burger................$173
- Meat burger................$895
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Welcome to Chez Simranjit, the cheapest Lunch you can ever afford!!!
This may or may not be true
-->Here's a list to my Restuernt Menus for CHEZ Simranjit(box modle):